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Why I Weed in the Rain

Good morning! ☀️

Today marks the first weekend in May and man have we had a ton of rain already! Mild temperatures, no more frost, and some sunny periods makes for a great start to this year's crop, even for beginners!

With all that rain coming down though, are you finding yourself hiding inside? To that, I say Nay! I've been itching to go outside too, each and every day. I love doing my "rounds" before and after work, walking around the gardens, watching for any pesky weeds popping through or patching up holes from squirrels stashing their nuts.

I didn't have the time, luxury or patience to perfectly set my garden beds before planting this year. Maybe this is to my demise, but I just didn't have the extra cash. I figured as long that I maintain the weeds, it won't be so bad. Every day I pick a handful of tiny weeds that pop up overnight and later during the day. It's not the best, but it gives me an opportunity to take a look at everything and make sure it's all under control.

Sometimes though, the weeds grow big. Like really big and really fast. I may maintain my vegetable garden bed every day, but I don't do that for each and every garden bed I have. I live on an acre of land for fox sakes! I suppose I could get outside earlier, but at the moment I don't want to. I tend to maintain the other beds on a weekly basis and so far that's been manageable.

The days leading up to the unbelievably gorgeous summer weekend weather - as I sit outside in my gazebo with Buster, typing up this post - it was very, very wet. It was great for my veggie garden, and some new veggies have popped up because of it! The down side is, the rain is helping those weeds grow too. At a very alarming rate.

I was feeling a bit helpless inside during the week. Watching the weeds grow and invade as it rained. I decided to not be a bystander anymore. I put on my rain coat and rain boots, got my shovel and weed bucket and off to the gardens I went.

It wasn't pouring rain, more like a light mist. The ground was soft and wet, air cool and moist. My skin soaking it all up. Dare I say, I actually loved it! Bugs aren't a bother because they're hiding from the rain, and the rain keeps you pretty cool during your "workout". On top of that, the job was done quickly because the roots came up with ease. You know what, the other hidden bonus is that the shitty work is done and you can enjoy the sunny weather instead of weeding!

OK. I'm officially sold on weeding in the rain now. If you're still skeptical, you may have every reason to be. I have my reasons too. Here's all the reasons why I weed in the rain.

  1. I have hyperhidrosis, which is a medical condition of sweating more than the average person to your head, back, under arms, groin and palms. I know right, so sexy. Intense summer heat + outdoor physical activity = dehydration in no time.

  2. The mood. I love a good, gloomy rainy day to invigorate my spirits.

  3. NO BUGS. Need I say more about that?

  4. No sunburns. I have sensitive skin. Any UV rays above 'low' levels I gotta slap on some sunscreen.

  5. The sounds. It's so peaceful in the rain, it's like meditating out there.

  6. The solitude. I love/need my alone time. Not sure why, I just do. My dad is the same way.

Do you have any weeding tricks? Or have you tried weeding in the rain, too? Let me know how you like, or dislike it! We could all use some tips to get the best harvests this year!💚

Happy gardening, and the rain! 🌧

- Liv

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