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Working on Evolving Dreams

Do you have a hard time sticking to one thing? I don't mean giving up or quitting. I mean doing an activity or project for a year and then switching it up, accomplished or not.

I get just like that sometimes.

I tend to quit when I don't see results fast enough, or the thing I'm working on doesn't look good enough, or the fact that someone else is likely doing it better than me. I sound SUPER negative, I know. When these thoughts creep in, all I hear is my mom 😬. I promise, I'm working on that.

So this year, I decided to showcase my gardening journey. I'm a true beginner with the utmost basic gardening questions. I did so much planning to have the perfect landscape and so much work has gone into it already. However, it's nowhere NEAR completion. There's actually hardly a sprout and only a few transplants. Truth is, it's so bare because the squirrels have been having a goddamn buffet on my garden's dime.

It's a little embarrassing to fail in the public's eye, not gonna lie. But I also need to remind myself that I'm a beginner, and gardening is not what defines me! Everything I do and love is what defines me, and gardening is only a portion of that. So when I feel a little down, I try to remind myself why I'm doing what I'm doing, why I care and why I love it.

So this is my 'why':

I love to teach and write. I love being creative and resourceful. I love storytelling and creating stories. I love comfort foods and the country. And I love, love, love, caring for people. It's the reason why I became a nurse.

Gardening is a bit of an experiment and an extension of a far, far thought in my mind that somehow gardening + cooking + storytelling + nursing can somehow meld together. I really don't know how yet, and the thought of this ideal is so stretched and imaginary that it's a bit hard to conceptualize. The thought of the idea feels like it's a little seed in my mind, planted, waiting to germinate and flourish eventually.

So that's why I started blogging. I figured, now is a good time as any since the garden has quite literally started from nothing, and I wanted to be able to showcase that. To showcase all of my mistakes, successes, and fun experiments along the way.

The garden evolution over the years, if you will.

So this year we're counting it as year 2. We moved in last summer in July, and only really had time to clear out weeds. This year, we made a new garden, added some dirt, and planted a few flowers and veggies. It's been tough 😅.

At the rate the garden is growing, I'll be surprised if I'll be able to harvest much. My vision and goal with the veggie garden is to reach ultimate levels of self sustainability. I don't want to have to rely on anybody, not even the grocery store. So, I think it will be a few years before we get there.

Until then, I'm going to continue working on my passions. Writing and documenting my gardening journey, the foods I make, and when I figure out how to shove nursing in the mix...I'll blog about it, too 😁.

I'm also blogging to connect with more like-minded people. If my blog posts spark some inspo or resonate with you - please! tell me! I'd love to share some thoughts sometime.

Thank you for taking the time reading my post 💚 Stay safe and enjoy the journey.


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